MySQL 主从分离配置的一些坑
开启 binlog 日志
修改 my.cnf
后 MySQL 无法启动,修改内容如下:
后来通过搜索相关资料发现 MySQL 5.7 以后开启binlog 日志需要配置 server-id
参见 官方文档:
In MySQL 5.7.2 and earlier, if you start a master server without using –server-id to set its ID, the default ID is 0. In this case, the master refuses connections from all slaves, slaves refuse to connect to the master, and the server sets the server_id system variable to 1. In MySQL 5.7.3 and later, the –server-id must be used if binary logging is enabled, and a value of 0 is not changed by the server. If you specify –server-id without an argument, the effect is the same as using 0. In either case, if the server_id is 0, binary logging takes place, but slaves cannot connect to the master, nor can any other servers connect to it as slaves. (Bug #11763963, Bug #56718)
Slave_IO_Running: Connecting 问题
运行 show slave status
发现 Slave_IO_Running 一栏显示 Connecting。这种问题一般考虑以下几个问题:
master、slave 一些配置信息,尤其注意 master_log_file、master_log_pos
网络、防火墙、selinux 问题
master、slave 服务器 server-id 需要不一致
MySQL 的 server UUID
show slave status
Last_IO_Error: Fatal error: The slave I/O thread stops because master and slave have equal MySQL server UUIDs; these UUIDs must be different for replication to work.
MySQL 的 datadir
下 有个auto.cnf
文件,这个文件记录了 MySQL 服务器的UUID。
MySQL 的 data 目录可以使用 show variables like "%dir%";
MySQL 的可以把其中一台服务器的auto.cnf
删除,重启 MySQL 服务器后会再次生成新的不重复的 UUID 文件。
LastMod 2015-11-18